Saturday, 16 March 2013

And this is the truth about RAILA ODINGA and his PETITION against UHURU KENYATTA …. AGREE?

We have all been up to date on current events from all angles possible some good and some bad, some constructive and some simply destructive they had to air it on TV. Now I know what am about to post is not just my opinion and if this is repeated poleni sana. 

CORD are busy trying to reverse the results of the just concluded election. That is within their right but there are some utterances that leave me thinking. 

1. CORD are trying so hard to discredit the IEBC despite all the effort they and we put to creating an independent body that could oversee our elections. Remember the referendum back in 2010, Isaak Hassan was a national hero for spear heading a crucial body into the greatest heights of credibility. The International Community was applauding a job well done. Fast forward 2013 and IEBC is the worst at least according to some people. Now I believe this is strategic. Discredit IEBC in the hopes that the decision by the Supreme Court favors CORD. This way we can't go for a re run because IEBC is not fit to supervise the re run according to CORD and Kenyans have lost faith in Isaac Hassan. Now I wonder if the citizens who voted for Jubilee all 6 million of them are lesser citizens compared to the citizens who voted for CORD!!!!!! Because (this has already been used) Kenyans have lost faith in IEBC and its Chair.... This only leaves one way to pursue and just like that we are back to 2007 where two principals are sharing power ka mkate aka Mkate Nusu. 

They are prepping Kenya for another 5 years of coalition mediocrity where everything has to go through so and so because the law states bla bla bla. My question is, why did we vote in a new constitution if it can't be followed? Jubilee was voted in by a majority of Kenyans a.k.a. 50.07% of Kenyans and well above the threshold dictated by our constitution. Unless the 50.07% of Kenyans are null and void then CORD won the elections hands down. But CORD Lost with a margin of over 800,000 votes and by God I feel abused and over looked by CORD. Am a Kenyan and they are simply ignoring the fact that I voted so why should I place my trust in them today or in the future?????

2. It's a fact that Raila has been in Government for close to 15 years. Under Moi and 10 years under Kibaki. One word keeps echoing through this period and that is reforms and the reasons as to why he couldn't bring in the said reforms. Today I still see a man/coalition promising reforms and we all know they are promising squat ' Ni story tushaskia so we know what to expect). Here is my two scents on this matter. Kenyans from Central Kenya and Rift Valley do not dislike Kenyans from Nyanza or Coast for that matter but they don't want a leader who keeps promising and not delivering. They don't want a leader who promises us what is already ours i.e. The water Issue in Kitui... and am not mentioning land because he is as guilty as the rest..

So I tell my brother and sisters from Nyanza and Coast or CORD strongholds that it is time for you to seat down and evaluate your leaders and give us one that is fit and up to the task. Give us one who accepts defeat gracefully as a true states man should also one who will support you and help you and your problems. Others have passed on to a third generation of leaders and you are still stuck on 1st and a Half. Change is as good as a rest. And I believe he is not the best that you can offer.

It has been said the time for politics is over. Let Us Unite and Build Kenya for we only have one Kenya our home.


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