Friday, 8 March 2013

Very bitter/ good LESSONS to RAILA ODINGA and the rest from an UHURU/ RUTO win

1. Opinions Polls - Never pay attentions to people’s opinions about you they are just Opinions when the rubber hits the road it’s a different story.

2. Ruto - Always make peace with resourceful people don't waste away the hands that may destroy you if a competitor gets it. Feed them if you must. 1Samuel 30:11-15

3. Uhuru - Never underestimate your opposition. Judges 16:15-20

4. Raila - Always take it when you have the chance to, settling for half is not wise there might not be a next time.

5. DIDA - you don't need money to beat others you only need favour with God and man. Ecclesiastes 9:11

6. Strongholds - Strongholds are to be cast down and bound in Jesus Name not to be celebrated. Do not trust in formations and groupings Trust in the Lord. Psalm 20:7

7. BVR - 80% of the things we buy and invest in may not be as beneficial in destiny and life. Choose the Word of God by manually reading the bible and manually obeying His word. Proverbs 23:23

8. Run-off - Sometimes when your enemy is wounded they you must disarm them, when you plan to win a battle make sure you kill the enemy and don't leave weapons around them lest they wake up and get back at you. When you kill your enemy cut his head off always win convincingly. 1Samuel 17:51

9. Kalonzo/Wetangula - as long as the earth remaineth seed time and harvest shall never end. Genesis 8:22

10. Mudavadi - Offence will always lead you to loneliness. Never be offended with people and systems and never make decisions out of offense. Matthew 18:7

11. ICC Suspect - Everything might be against you but if you believe you can win the battles in life. Always believe. Mark 9:23

12. Kikuyu/Kalenjins - your family will always believe in you. When you don't have who to turn to, always turn to your family. Luke 15:11-32

13. President - NO leader can guarantee your success, success is inward out not out ward in. it is always your efforts that count.

14. Kenyan Media - Some people do not add or sub-struck to the final result they just analyze, Gossip about it. Too much analysis causes paralysis. Stop over analyzing your issues just act to succeed. Ecclesiastes 11:4

15. Luos - Passion is not enough in spiritual battles you also need strategy. You don't have to make noise to make news. Be strategic. Joshua 6:1-5

16. International media – Some people are always watching to see you downfall, but you will not fall in the Name of Jesus. Psalm 126:2-3

These are just lessons and not to offend anyone, i thought what if i look at everything from a spiritual angle what can we learn. 

Pst Marvellous
Stay Blessed

Courtesy Facebook

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