In Summary
- Preaching chastity until marriage, especially to the young generation, is like trying to cut a rock using a machete
The discussion was ignited by a scene in the book
where one of Achebe’s characters, a university student nicknamed ‘Irre’,
the short form of the word irresponsible, walks out of his hostel room
glistening with sweat and holding a used condom. It is to prove to his
friends that he has bedded the most “impossible” woman to take to bed.
Leaders of the Catholic Church did not like the
scene. They voiced their objection to the book, arguing that it
encouraged immorality. They also said something about family values and
sex outside marriage. Nonetheless, the book, parents, and the teachers
In the same year (2004), then Catholic head in
Kenya, Archbishop Ndingi Mwana a’Nzeki, dismissed the use of the condom
as protection against HIV infection. He said during an interview: “For
me, a condom is not the answer. In fact, in this country, I would say
without fear that the use of condoms has been the greatest means of
increasing the cases of Aids. Take our university students, students in
schools of higher studies, where condoms are available upon demand. It’s
like saying, ‘my son or daughter, you are free.’ And they do it.”
Two years later during a religious leader’s
conference, Archbishop Ndingi urged the government to ban advertising
and distribution of condoms. His reasons where that the easy access to
them encouraged promiscuity.
Catholic leaders in the country have since
remained adamant on their stand about the use of condoms. It is a big No
for them, but a section of the faithful, as explored yesterday in our
sister publication, Lifestyle, is rebelling. It is not that they haven’t
been, only that this time round, the boldness by which they are doing
so is out there for all to see.
It comes through a lobby group going by the name
Catholics for Choice (CFC), and the huge billboards they erected
recently in the country to urge Catholics to use condoms as a preventive
mechanism against HIV. “Good Catholics Use Condoms,” screamed the
Based in the US, Catholics for Choice describe
themselves as “part of the great majority of the faithful in the
Catholic Church who disagree with the dictates of the Vatican on matters
related to sex, marriage, family life, and motherhood”.
The message they put up on the billboards could
have rubbed Catholic leaders in the country the wrong way, but the lobby
group insists that their stand is pegged on realities around the trends
in the HIV figures and the huge numbers that make the Catholic
Some statistics were displayed recently after
another controversial condom campaign, Weka Condom Mpangoni, was
criticised by men of the cloth in general, and not only Catholic
The campaign was sponsored by Population Services
International (PSI). The message, loosely translated as “have the condom
in mind”, was directed at married couples. It was to advise them to
always have a condom at hand should they be tempted to go astray.
Religious leaders, both Christian and Muslim,
criticised it for promoting infidelity and for make a joke of the sacred
institution of marriage. They demanded for its withdrawal from the
television screens.
In response, the promoters explained that the
campaign was informed by the reality that as much as messages against
infidelity were important and had indeed been delivered in a previous
campaign under the theme Wacha mpango wa kando (stop
extra-marital affairs), about 44 per cent of all new HIV infections in
the country occurred in stable relationships, including marriage.
In comparison, commercial sex contributed just
about 14 per cent of new infections. The Kenya National Aids Epidemic
2012 Update further indicated that casual sex, such as one-night stands,
accounted for about 20 per cent of new HIV infections. The same report
stated that 45 per cent of married couples were discordant.
Dr Patrick Mureithi of the National Aids Control
Council (NACC), speaking in the wake of the furore created by Weka
Condom Mpangoni advert, said: “Kenya is at an annual 100,000 new
infections rate.” If 44 per cent of these are occurring in stable
relationships such as in marriage, the absolute figure comes to 44,000
new infections in such relationships.
These are the figures that inform the bold
campaigns to reduce the levels of HIV infection in the country, and
which promote the use of condoms as the most accessible prevention
Because the religious community, and more so the
Catholic Church, has been adamant on its stand against condom use, the
latest campaign by Catholics for Choice is a deliberate move to provoke
the Roman Catholic leadership with the message that a part of its flock
is intent on taking a different tangent concerning sexual matters, given
the reality of life and the given statistics. It is also pegged on the
fact that the Catholic population is big.
There are an estimated 1.2 billion Roman Catholics
in the world. The growth of Catholicism in Africa has been immense and
is expected to get even higher.
In 1970, Africa had 45 million Catholics, according to World Christian data base. In 2012, the continent had 177 million Catholics, accounting for 15.2 per cent of the world’s Catholic population. These numbers define the magnitude of the stand of the Catholic Church leadership on condom use.
In 1970, Africa had 45 million Catholics, according to World Christian data base. In 2012, the continent had 177 million Catholics, accounting for 15.2 per cent of the world’s Catholic population. These numbers define the magnitude of the stand of the Catholic Church leadership on condom use.
Preaching chastity and self-preservation until marriage,
especially to the young generation, is like trying to cut a rock using a
machete. Religious leaders must be aware about what is happening on the
ground, but many have chosen to stick to traditional viewpoints.
The Church traces its understanding of the
institution of marriage from the Bible’s book of Genesis, where God made
man in his image and then created a helper from his rib to keep him
Marriage is a scared union
Thus, the Church believes that marriage is a
sacred union ordained by God. Sex before marriage is a definite no-no
because the body is viewed as the temple of God and any sexual act
committed against it is a direct affront and a disregard for what the
Almighty instructs.
Sex outside marriage is condemned by the Bible as
immoral in the book of Corinthians. According to papers written on the
stand of the Catholic Church on these issues, the act of engaging in
sexual activity outside the institution of marriage is a violation of
the sacredness of the union.
It is a widely held notion within the Catholic
Church that sexual interactions outside marriage are responsible for
widespread unwanted pregnancies, abortions, sexually transmitted
diseases, and single parenthood.
The Catholic leadership believes that by allowing
its faithful to use a condom, which scientists say reduces chances of
infection by about 70-80 per cent, they will have created room to be
perceived as having sanctioned sex before marriage and sex outside the
matrimonial confines. But what do some of the faithful think?
Johannes Mbatia is a Catholic who does all that
the church requires except on the sex question. He is not married. He
lives in Nairobi and, in his words, he “lives like any other young man”.
When asked what this means, he wryly smiles and
says that he lives his life in a vibrant and energetic way and that
means he has a girlfriend with whom, he says, he engages in protected
Abstinence may be impossible for some
Admitting that the practicability of living in
abstinence may be possible for some people but not him, Jack Otieno,
another Catholic faithful, says he cannot force himself to take the same
position as the church when he knows that it is not tenable.
At 29 and not planning to get married yet, he
represents a curious group of young faithful who are both energetic and
vibrant in and out of the church. This is the same group that will be
most affected by the anti-condom stance of the church.
Otieno believes that if the church does not change
its approach to a more accommodative one, then it runs the risk of
being completely ignored by a good section of its faithful, for
instance, the young generation.
“Give us the spiritual side of things but do not
confine us to a particular line of action,” he says and adds: “The
church should refrain from trying to decide for us. That is a personal
decision and it touches directly on our safety. Why would the church
want to guide me on this?”
This is the sentiment of a married Catholic man.
He thinks that the church should concentrate on teaching people about
infidelity and its dangers while at the same time re-invigorating the
campaigns against unfaithfulness.
The stand of the Catholic Church is viewed as an
unrealistic approach to life’s problems, leading to some not-so-kind
words by some of its faithful, who say that be it the use of condoms or
insisting on abstinence, the church should embrace what works as opposed
to the ideal.
For now, however, the stand of the Catholic Church
as expressed last week by John Cardinal Njue is: “The Catholic Church
teaches that sex is good and sacred in the context of marriage. Thus,
married couples are encouraged to be faithful in their marriage and
young people are urged to remain chaste until marriage.”
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