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Thursday 13 June 2013

MUTAHI NGUNYI was right RAILA ODINGA could be regrouping! - MASS ACTION next week.

Thursday June 13, 2013 - On Wednesday Governors and Senators resolved to go all over the country and collect one million signatures to allow them to amend Article 95 of the constitution that gives the National Assembly veto powers over the Division of Revenue Bill.

Wednesday’s meeting at the Boma Hotel in Nairobi, saw the merger between Jubilee and CORD Senators and Governors, who unanimously vowed to hold countrywide rallies to pressurise President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy William Ruto, on their committment to devolution.

Going by the developments at the Boma Hotel, Kenyans do not need a rocket scientist to know who is behind this stand-off. Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga is the one behind the current impasse between the National Assembly and the Senate.

The former PM has severally vowed to keep the Jubilee Government in check and he is using all tactics to frustrate the Jubilee government.

In several occasions, Raila has been alerting his lieutenants in both the National Assembly and the Senate, urging them to start regrouping so as to frustrate all the operations of the Jubilee Government.

On Monday, renowned political analyst Mutahi Ngunyi had initially warned Uhuru and Ruto telling them to stop sleeping on their job since Raila, who is a renowned political radical, is regrouping after losing the March 4th election.

On his Twitter account, Ngunyi, who is famous for his hypothesis dubbed “Tyranny of Numbers” urged Uhuru and Ruto to take precautionary measures since Raila is starting an “unstoppable revolution” that will catch the two unaware.

Here is Mutahi Ngunyi tweets.

Mutahi Ngunyi#Uhuru-Ruto Honeymoon is over. They should stop holding hands and deal with Raila unapologetically and decisively. The man is re-grouping!

So Mutahi Ngunyi was right, “the octogenarian” is recovering after a thrashing by President Uhuru Kenyatta on March 4th!

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