A dream doesn't become reality through magic. It takes sweat, determination and hard work.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

RAILA ODINGA was received like a KING in SOUTH AFRICA! Unlike in Kenya

Despite being mistreated here in Kenya, former Prime Minister Raila Odinga was received in South Africa like a King when he landed at Oliver Tambo Airport on Tuesday.
Accompanied by his entourage, thousands of South African citizens, waving Kenyan flags jammed the airport doors to get a good glimpse of the “father of democracy in Kenya”.
Raila, who is also ODM party leader, was also offered State Security with Para-military Police Humvee heading his convoy of two limousines and a jeep to his hotel room
On Friday upon his arrival from South Africa, Raila vindicated this when he said it was ironical that he was accorded VIP treatment in South Africa, including the use of the VIP lounge at the Oliver Tambo Airport, yet the same facilities were not being granted to him locally.
“While there (in South Africa), I was accorded the respect that I deserve, just as we do here to retired Presidents and Prime Ministers when they come visiting. Am not demanding for anything more,” Raila said.

Raila was in South Africa to attend a function of promoting democracy in Africa.

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