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Tuesday 17 September 2013

Kenya government offers 7 blocks to bidders for oil exploration


Daily Nation Tuesday, September 17, 2013 · 
The Ministry of Energy and Petroleum and Survey of Kenya has relinquished seven oil exploration blocks and invited interested bidders as it seeks funds to finance commercial oil and gas investments in the country.
The oil blocks totaling about 30,000 square kilometers are in Marsabit, Lamu and Turkana exploration basins.
“Once gazetted, the relinquished oil blocks will be available to interested companies to invest in petroleum and gas products,” Felix Mutunguti, senior official at the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum said on Tuesday.
The available oil blocks include Mandera block 1 in North Eastern Kenya estimated at 12,000 kilometers square.
Others are block L 5 off-shore Lamu basin with about 3,200 kilometers, block L 13 (Lamu basin)3, 000 square kilometers, L 7 (Lamu) 2,000 square kilometers, L 4 (Lamu) 1,800 square kilometers
Block 10BB at Ngamia 1 in Turkana County where Tullow Kenya discovered oil deposit two years ago and block 13 T are also among the surrendered blocks.
The discovery of oil deposits by Tullow in Turkana County has attracted three more companies that have joined the search for mineral. Adamanging and Bowleven Oil and Gas companies from Britain are to begin prospecting for oil and gas in Turkana North and Kibish districts while ERHC, also an oil exploration company, will hunt for the treasurable commodity in Turkana West and Loima districts.
Mr Mutunguti said ERHC Oil Company has been involved in oil exploration in Nigeria, Chad and Ghana among other countries.
Mr Mutunguti on Tuesday disclosed plans to carry out off-shore and on-shore exploration to determine availability of commercial oil deposits in the country.
He disclosed that oil exploration was also going on in block 12 (A) in Kerio Valley region and offshores of Lake Turkana and Indian Ocean.
“We are assessing possibility of carrying out oil exploration in Lake Victoria,” said Mr Mutunguti .

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