When people get dressed up to go to the nightclub or a bar, they're really dressing to offer themselves as a living sacrifice to demonic spirits that inhabit such places. We'll break that down in a moment.
Figure 1: Church outfits vs. Nightclub outfits―Can you tell the difference?
In life you only get dressed up for religious/spiritual ceremonies. Think about it: what do we typically get dressed up for? Usually it's for church or some other religious service, a wedding, or a funeral. Even when you get dressed for a job interview, you're really dressing up for the spirit of Mammon, trying to look your best in the hopes of being selected for the opportunity to serve Mammon for a paycheck. This applies equally for going out to the club.
Everything we do in society is done for religious or spiritual reasons. Which is why I laugh when people say they are not religious. Oh yes you are! You just haven't accepted it yet! Folks like myself know better, because we realize that in this world you can only serve one of two masters: God or Lucifer. You don't get to serve both, and you don't get to opt out of serving neither.
There's a very real spiritual danger in going to nightclubs and other such venues. One of the more obvious dangers is the type of dark demonic energy that resides there.
Figure 2: Nightclub
When you willingly go to a place or event where demons are known to hang out at, you are in essence partying with the devil. And those devils won't just stay behind at the club after you leave. They are there for YOU!
Few can deny that there is a certain atmosphere you find in nightclubs and bars, that's not found anywhere else. And this is because the atmosphere is literally charged with demonic energy. Some of you are suffering problems in your life right now that can be directly attributed to your frequent attendance at night clubs, bars, wild parties and specific festivals that endorse an extremely ungodly atmosphere.
Here's a thought: Some demons can only get into you by being danced into you.
I know that may sound crazy, but I assure you it's not. Let's get into some specifics. In many African, Aboriginal, Native and Asian cultures, dancing served more than just as an outlet for entertainment. Dance was ALWAYS associated with occult rituals and shamanism. These rituals were known as an evocation, invocation, or as a summoning.
Figure 3: Aboriginal Summoning Ritual
When the spirits needed to be consulted for guidance by the village elders, meetings were called where the entire village came: from the youngest to the oldest. Eventually the drums began to beat, and those appointed as 'channelers' for the spirits to speak through would begin to 'feel' the rhythm of the music. These were also known as conjurers.
Figure 4: African Occult Ritual Dance
As they danced, their wild dancing served as a conduit that would actually summon demons to enter them. And as the demons came into them, their dancing would increase and get wilder and more intense, as the conjurer would eventually become a different person: fully possessed by the spirits.
Figure 5: Conjurers possessed by demons
Have you ever been to a club where someone would inevitably get on the dance floor and act a straight up fool? That person would seem to just zone out and dance uncontrollably when a particular song would come on. Unbeknownst to you and me at the time: we were witnessing a ritual possession taking place right in front of our eyes. Maybe this has even happened to you before.
Figure 6: Women dancing in nightclub
Figure 7: Man humping woman in center of crowd in nightclub
Now you also know why many singers and dancers will testify to becoming a different person when they are caught up in dancing and performing. They are literally conjuring spirits and becoming possessed during those performances. So be equally careful when listening to such artists and their music.
There's a reason why Christians don't belong in nightclubs. Because nightclubs are nothing more than places where people are gathered and collected to become food for devils. Some of you may remember the opening scene from the first Blade movie, starring Wesley Snipes. It opened with a club scene, where those present thought they were there just to have a good night out. But instead they ended up becoming food for vampires. (Side note: In the movies, demons are always represented as vampires; hence their aversion to priests and Christian paraphernalia.)
Another movie I recently came across had this same theme of demons hiding in plain sight inside of nightclubs. (Satan is so bold with his works these days that he boldly tells the world about what he's doing through movies.) This movie titled "The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones" featured one such scene where the protagonist and a friend went into a nightclub. While there she witnessed one group of spiritual assassins that she mistook for regular clubbers killing a guy who turns out to have been a demon. No one else present is aware of this spiritual battle taking place right in front of them. (Turns out the ones who killed the demon are the offspring of angels who mated with humans: known in biblical times as the Nephilim. The Nephilim were the ungodly children that came from angels mating with human women, as recorded in Genesis 6. You can't make this stuff up!)
Nightclubs, bars, raves, and other such establishments are set up by people heavily involved in the occult to provide fresh bodies for demons to inhabit—that's their ONLY purpose. And yes, this also includes strip clubs.
You may have thought these establishments were there to entertain you, or provide you with a place to mingle and imbibe refreshing adult beverages. But their true purpose is to lure you there to make it easier for demons to get inside of you. And get inside of you they will.
Figure 8: Women wearing devil horns in nightclub
This is why nothing good ever takes place at bars and clubs. Have you noticed that? There are always fights, shootings, stabbings, robberies and murders that take place either in or right outside of them. People end up hooking up with unsavory people, typically for sex. There's a lot of intoxication and drug use associated with bars and clubs. And it's always dark. Have you ever wondered why nightclubs and bars are ALWAYS dark inside? It's because the darkness provides an ideal atmosphere for dark spirits to hide and lurk in.
And the more popular the club, the more demons that are hiding in the music and in the shadows, lusting for their chance to jump into as many people as they can: including someone just like you.
So do yourself a favor and stay away.
By the way: what do you think Carnival is? For those who don't know, Carnival is a huge event popular among Afro-Caribbean, Brazilian, Latino and native African people. It's also very popular in big cities like NYC, Philly, Boston, Atlanta, Miami, Baltimore, Houston, etc. Carnival is nothing less than a huge ritual demon conjuring party. What else would you expect when you have thousands of scantily-clad women in the streets filled with drunk-horny guys, simulating sexual acts with each other in an open orgy?
Figure 9: Carnival
Carnival and its accompanying party known as the J'ouvert Festival is not about celebrating island culture: it's about using that for an excuse to engage in sexual orgies. Both of which are prime environments for demonic spirits to prey on the unsuspecting.
Figure 10: J'ouvert Festival
Figure 11: J'ouvert Festival Dancers (notice similar look to Figure 4 Occult Ritual)
Figure 12: J'ouvert Festival
The same applies equally for Mardi Gras: which is the American version of Carnival and J'ouvert.
Figure 13: Mardi Gras crowd pics and logo
As born-again believers in Jesus Christ, we are told to stay away from such wicked places and demonic festivities.
Romans 13:13 tells us:
"Because we belong to the day, we must live decent lives for all to see. Don't participate in the darkness of wild parties and drunkenness, or in sexual promiscuity and immoral living, or in quarreling and jealousy."
This covers everything we just mentioned above. It's totally inappropriate and out of character with the Kingdom of God for a believer to participate in pagan rituals and orgies: which is exactly what that is. And just in case you still don't get it:
"Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, SENSUALITY, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, DRUNKENNESS, ORGIES, and THINGS LIKE THESE. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things WILL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD."―Galatians 5:19-21
God warns us to stay away from these things because in His wisdom He knows what lurks in the shadows at these places and events. When you attend nightclubs or bars, or engage in Carnival and other such wild parties: you are serving and celebrating demons. And once you've opened yourself up to demonic activity, they will torment you and ultimately destroy everything good in your life. It's what demons do best.
It's time to repent. If you're serious about your walk with Jesus Christ, you need to act like it. No more dipping and dabbling with Satan's devices. It's time to show some sincere loyalty to the God you claim to love so much: or else you're nothing more than a fraud who likes fraternizing with demons. I know this won't go over well with those who really enjoy the club life, partying and festivities. But you need to ask yourself: what does it say about you when you love the things of satan more than the things of God?
"Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world...."―1 John 2:15-16
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will."―Romans 12:2
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