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Monday 3 June 2013

ICC judges want Ruto, Sang tried in Kenya

JARED NYATAYA | NATION Two of the Ocampo Six suspects William Ruto (left) and Joshua arap Sang during prayers held for them at Kipchoge Keino Stadium in Kapsabet Town on March 11, 2011. The other four suspects did not attend. JARED NYATAYA | NATION Two of the Ocampo Six suspects William Ruto (left) and Joshua arap Sang during prayers held for them at Kipchoge Keino Stadium in Kapsabet Town. 
By LILLIAN ONYANGO laonyango@ke.nationmedia.com
  Monday, June 3   2013 
In Summary
  • In a statement, the Court said the proposal was made following a request by the defence on January 24.

The International Criminal Court Trial Chamber has suggested to its Presidency to hold the start of Deputy President William Ruto and former radio presenter Joshua arap Sang’s trials in Kenya or Tanzania.
In its recommendations on Monday, the Trial Chamber said “it may be desirable to hold the commencement of trial and other portions thereof, to be determined at a later stage, in Kenya or, alternatively, in Tanzania.”
In a statement, the Court said the proposal was made following a request by the defence on January 24.
Before reaching the decision, the Trial Chamber sought and obtained observations from the parties and participants, as well as other relevant authorities.
“This recommendation made by Trial Chamber V(A) is only a step in the procedure - set out in Rule 100 of the Rules of Procedures and Evidence - as the final decision on the issue will be made in due course by the judges, in plenary session,” the statement read in part.
However, the Court remained the parties that the seat of the Court is in The Hague and  where the Court considers that it would be in the interests of justice, it may decide to sit in a State other than the Netherlands.

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