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Tuesday 8 November 2016

What EVERY man needs to know about his health - and how you can keep yourself well

15:59, 7 NOV 2016; BY MICHELE O'CONNOR

November is Men’s Health Awareness Month, also known as Movember, so here we look at conditions men are more prone to.



Men in their early 20s are most at risk from testicular cancer

British men pay a high price for neglecting their health – shockingly, one in five dies before his 65th birthday.

But looking at the facts, it’s hardly surprising.

According to Men’s Health Forum ( menshealthforum.org.uk ), a whopping 67% of men are overweight or obese , are far more likely to die from heart disease and cancer , are twice as likely to have diabetes as women, and account for four out of five suicides.

And they are more likely to drink and smoke to excessive levels compared to women.

Despite all this, research shows that men are half as likely than women to visit their GP or dentist, or ask the pharmacist for advice, and they are more likely to end up in hospital because of a delay in getting a diagnosis and die four years earlier than women.

“Men are dying too young because they avoid thinking about their health,” says Sarah Coghlan, director of health promotion for the Movember Foundation, a global charity tackling men’s health.

“There’s a large disparity in health services available to men compared to women, but seeking help also seems to be viewed by some men as a sign of weakness.”

To help address this shocking situation, November is Men’s Health Awareness Month, also known as Movember , so here we look at conditions men are more prone to and how they help protect themselves.

The problem: A beer belly

“An average pint of beer contains over 180 calories and just three pints adds up to the equivalent of two burgers,” explains John Larsen of alcohol education charity Drinkaware .

Alcohol not only has no nutritional value, it also makes self-control harder and, research shows it suppresses leptin, the hunger-regulating hormone.



Alcohol has no nutritional value and stops you burning all other fat until the booze has been processed

It also stops you burning all other fat until the booze has been processed, so it’s no surprise that drinking can lead to extra weight around the middle. And, unlike excess fat on the bottom or thighs, this excess visceral fat around the middle surrounds the internal organs – dramatically increasing the risk of cancer, heart disease and liver disease.

■ TAKE ACTION: Start by cutting out booze in the week. If this is too difficult, cut out one day, then two and so on. Other weight-loss measures include reducing food portions and filling up on lean protein plus fruit and veg while upping activity levels, adds Dr David Haslam of the National Obesity Forum ( nationalobesityforum.org.uk ).

“Find ways to build more activity into your normal daily routine such as cycling to work, walking the dog or taking the kids to the park.”

■ Tip: Visit drinkaware.co.uk/little-less . It’s a free, interactive tool to help people understand what a small change in their drinking would mean to them.

The problem: Persistent heartburn

“The burning feeling in your chest is caused by stomach acid coming up into your oesophagus (food pipe in the throat),” explains Dr Adam Simon, chief medical officer at pushdoctor.co.uk .



Smoking, drinking a lot of alcohol or coffee and being overweight can cause heartburn

“There are many possible causes for this, such as smoking, drinking a lot of alcohol or coffee, and being overweight.”

■ TAKE ACTION: “In the short term, you can take antacids to relieve the symptoms,” advises Dr Simon. “In the long term, quitting smoking, drinking less alcohol and losing a few pounds can make all the difference.” But regular episodes of heartburn – twice a week or more – should be investigated because stomach acid can damage your oesophagus, cause ulcers and scarring, as well as increasing the risk of oesophageal cancer.

■ Tip: Avoid eating late at night and lying completely flat while sleeping. Prop up the head of the bed with a book and use pillows to reduce the risk of acid reflux.

The problem: Erectile dysfunction (ED)

“Around 50% of men between the ages of 40 and 70 experience erectile dysfunction at some point,” explains Dr Simon. The cause may be psychological (stress, anxiety or depression) or physical (high blood pressure, heart disease or diabetes).

■ TAKE ACTION: The first step is to see your doctor – not just to get treatment for your ED but to check for other potentially serious conditions (such as diabetes or heart disease). And be reassured there are now numerous treatment options available.

■ Tip: It’s particularly important to communicate with your partner rather than making excuses to avoid sex which can cause feelings of confusion and rejection, as well as suspicions you’re having an affair. Be open and honest and ask them for support.

The problem: Loud snoring

“Snoring is thought to affect twice as many men as women,” says Dr Simon. “It occurs when the soft tissue in your nose and throat vibrates when you sleep. Being overweight, drinking a lot of alcohol, smoking and allergies are all triggers.”



Snoring most nights and being sleepy in the day is a sign of sleep apnoea

However, snoring most nights and feeling excessively sleepy during the day are classic signs of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). This means the person stops breathing for 10 seconds or more at a time, several times a night. Over time this can cause heart problems and even stroke.

■ TAKE ACTION: “Dealing with the lifestyle factors above is a good start, but you can also ask your doctor about other options, such as sleep training and mouth or nose devices that can help prevent snoring,” adds Dr Simon. If sleep apnoea is suspected, you should be referred to a specialist for assessment.

■ Tip: Do simple tests at britishsnoring.co.uk to find what kind of snorer your partner is and what treatments are most appropriate.

The problem: Always tired and thirsty

“These are just two of the symptoms associated with Type 2 diabetes,” says Dr Simon, which men are twice as likely to develop than women.

“Other general symptoms include needing to pee a lot, feeling dizzy or nauseous, feeling hungry all the time and itching.

“There are also some symptoms that are specific to men, such as loss of muscle mass and 

erectile dysfunction.”

■ TAKE ACTION: If you’re regularly experiencing more than one of the above symptoms, see a doctor for some simple tests to either rule out diabetes or catch it early and help you get treatment.

Regular physical activity and moving more will help men lose weight which in turns helps reverse diabetes. Moving more also results in a reduction of alcohol and cigarette consumption, improved diet and better sleep.

■ Tip: Check out the lifestyle quiz at riskscore.diabetes.org.uk to assess your risk.

The problem: Waterworks issues

“If you’re having trouble peeing, or finding that you need to pee often, it could indicate a prostate problem,” explains Dr Simon. “Although this can occur in men at any age, it tends to affect those over 50. There are lots of conditions that can cause an enlarged prostate and many of these are treatable with simple lifestyle changes.”

■ TAKE ACTION: “If you’re over 50 (or over 45 with a family history of prostate cancer), ask your GP about a PSA (prostate-specific antigen) blood test,” suggests Sarah Coghlan. “A high reading could be an indicator of prostate cancer, but survival rates are 98% if detected early compared to less than 26% if the cancer has spread.”

■ Tip: Check out the online risk calculator from the Prostate Cancer Research Foundation at prostatecancer-riskcalculator.com .

The problem: A lump

“Men in their twenties are most at risk of testicular cancer so early detection is vital,” says Sarah Coghlan.

Aside from age – it’s most common between the ages of 15 and 40 – risk factors include a family member having the cancer, a previous occurrence of testicular cancer and men who had undescended testes at birth.

■ TAKE ACTION: Most lumps are not cancerous but if you notice a swelling, lump, any pain, or your testicles feel heavier than usual or have changed in shape or size, see your GP.

Testicular cancer is highly treatable and often cured, if diagnosed and treated early.

■ Tip: Check your testicles regularly. Research by male cancer charity Orchid ( orchid-cancer.org.uk ) reveals that only 25% of young men actually do this and 22% never bother to check at all.

The problem: Bowel changes

Men are over 35% more likely than women to be diagnosed with bowel cancer during their lifetime and it accounts for 10% of all male cancer deaths. Men often only go to the doctor when it’s at a late stage – and that’s because their partner has nagged them – so it’s vital they recognise the symptoms.

“We all have unusual bowel motions from time to time,” says Mark Flannagan, Chief Executive 

of the charity Beating Bowel Cancer ( beatingbowelcancer.org ). “But if you’ve been experiencing a change in bowel habit for three weeks or more or notice blood in bowel motions, you need to get checked out.”

■ TAKE ACTION: “While these symptoms could be caused by IBS, it’s important to rule out the possibility of bowel cancer – particularly if you also have a pain or lump in your abdomen, unexplained weight loss, tiredness, dizziness or breathlessness,” says Mark. “If caught in the early stages, bowel cancer is treatable.”

■ Tip: It’s estimated that bowel cancer screening will save 2,000 lives a year. If you are aged between 60 and 74 in England, you can obtain a testing kit by phoning 0800 707 60 60.

The problem: Feeling down

The shocking truth is that 78% of all suicides are committed by men, with 13 taking their lives every day.

“It’s vital to look after your mental health, so if you or someone you know has a consistently low mood, don’t ignore it, warns Dr Simon.



Some men may be prone to aggression or taking unnecessary risks if depressed

“Common symptoms include insomnia, losing interest in things you previously enjoyed, struggling at work, finding it hard to concentrate and just generally feeling hopeless.

“Some men may also be more prone to aggression or taking unnecessary risks if 

they’re depressed.”

■ TAKE ACTION: “As cliched as it may seem, the first step towards recovery is accepting that there’s a problem,” says Dr Simon. “And family and friends should remember that talking, listening and being there for someone can be lifesaving.

“Talk to your GP. There are plenty of treatment options, such as counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). And while medication is an option, never try to self-medicate,” he adds.

■ Tip: Digital tools can be more accessible than other forms of healthcare, suggests David Brudo, co-founder of mental wellbeing app Remente ( remente.com ) who suffered from depression himself. “Track your mood through apps to see if there are identifiable triggers that you can change,” he says.

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