Free West Papua Campaign's photo.

This is Indonesia in Papua.
Black people are still treated like slaves in Indonesian occupied West Papua.
This photo shows hundreds of Melanesian Papuans being arrested and led away like animals by the Indonesian military and police after a peaceful pro-Papuan independence congress was being held on October 19th, 2011.
This photo is 100% real and genuine, hard evidence of Indonesia's 21st century apartheid in West Papua. You can see Al Jazeera's report on how this peaceful independence congress was violently broken up here:
Many of those seen here were also brutally tortured by the Indonesian military beforehand and at least 7 Papuan civilians were confirmed dead as a result of the crackdown by security forces.
Indonesian police chief Imam Setiawan said it was his duty to "destroy anyone who would speak of a free West Papua".
West Papua is a nation which has been illegally occupied by Indonesia since 1963.
Over 500,000 indigenous Papuans have been killed by the Indonesian military since their country was taken from them and they regularly face racism, torture and unspeakable human rights abuses from Indonesian forces.
Papuans are even banned from raising their national flag, singing traditional Papuan songs or from wearing traditional dress.
There are Papuans serving 15 year jail sentences simply for raising the national flag of West Papua.
How can you help?
Please support the work of the Free West Papua Campaign. We are a voluntary organisation and every donation we receive is used to help free the people of West Papua.
Please, visit
Don't let the voice of West Papua go unheard.
Thank you very much
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