A dream doesn't become reality through magic. It takes sweat, determination and hard work.

Saturday 2 March 2013

BREAKING NEWS and PROGRAM LINE UP FOR MARCH 5th.....wish for jubilants!

5 am: Kenyans glued on their TV watching the tarrying of Election results with some having not slept!

6 am: Shocker in ukambani as kambas abandons six piece call and decides its UHURU Kenyatta alias ‘muthonuwa’

7am: Former Government spokesman A.Mutua gets nod of Machakos people. He becomes First Kamba Land Governor to be announced. He joins Machakos people in celebrating as he exhumes confidence that it’s going to be UHURU!

8am: Major casualties in Siaya, Kisumu and HomaBay ARE ANNOUNCED as the will of people prevails! Its jubilation all over as people chants slogans “WE ARE FREE AT LAST”

9am: The first Presidential results are announced indicating RAILA slightly leading with 1,500,000 votes against UHURU 1,300,000 votes

10 am: More results trickles in indicating that UHURU has overtaken RAILA. UHURU by this time he has 3,800,000 against Raila 2,300,000

11am Kalonzo and Wetangula go missing! Unconfirmed reports indicate Kalonzo’s foot soldiers are holding a meeting with Jubilee for an after election pact

12 noon: Isaac Hassan emerges from bomas with a list of some elected governors, MPs and senators and reads to the press. He insists that what media houses are reporting its just provisional results but he will be announcing final tally latter which may not differ much with provisional results!

1 pm: ODM says they will be making a major announcement from Orange house!

2pm More results comes in indicating UHURU taking a clear lead with 5,075,000 votes against his closest challenger who has 3,000,705 votes

3pm: Other major casualties are announced with some accepting defeat while others remain mum!

4pm: IEBC chairman emerges again from Bomas and reads a full list of 47 elected governors with few women representatives and senators

5 pm: Some mild violence is witnessed in Nyanza, Coast, and Western with police acting swiftly to contain the situation. President Kibaki emerges and sends a stern warning to those hooligans causing chaos by calling them ‘mavi ya kuku’ and he urges politician to accept the results and control their supporters.

6pm: Provisional results indicate UHURU Kenyatta massively leads with 7,600,547 votes against Raila’s 4,780,682 votes

6.30 pm: IEBC chairman emerges from bomas of Kenya holding papers and clears his throat. He starts by thanking Kenyans for conducting peaceful election and announces more shockers from Western, Nyanza and Coast and warns that IEBC will take stern action against those candidates who are denouncing results. He reminds the losers that IEBC is independent and advices those with issues to go to court!

6.40 pm: IEBC CHAIRMAN announces the final results which show UHURU taking a clear lead with 8,200,000 votes and RAILA 5,095,000 votes and declares UHURU MUIGAI KENYATTA the 4th President of Republic of Kenya.

7.00 pm: it’s Jubilation all over and fireworks as Kenyans converge in historical sites like Uhuru Park, Nyayo Stadium, Kasarani, clubs, supermarket etc. To celebrate. Meanwhile congratulatory messages starts trickling in as OBAMA, MUSEVENI, CLINTON, ZUMA, CAMEROON, KIKWETE, KAGAME et al congratulates PRESIDENT UHURU!
8.00Pm: PRESIDENT UHURU emerges accompanied by his VICE PRESIDENT RUTO with his first written presidential speech. He thanks Kenyans for electing him and promises that from the following day he will settle down to start implementing the Jubilee manifesto. He says that he will extend an olive branch to his competitors

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