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Tuesday 5 November 2013

Kenyan woman stabbed to death infront of her kids in Cologne Germany


Tuesday, November 5, 2013 ·
A 34 year old Kenyan woman was stabbed to death by her ex-boyfriend in Koln, Germany.
The woman who was identified as Judy (nicknamed Juju) was stabbed by her Kenyan –Tanzanian boyfriend on Sunday night around 11pm.
According to a German paper, German Express, the woman is a mother of seven kids and reports indicate that the kids had witnessed the fatal incident. Reports indicate that the children were at the scene during the incident and they rushed to neighbors to seek help.
Neighbors in the Leimbachweg neighborhood, rushed in and found her lying in a pool of blood. The ex-boyfriend was handed over to the police by neighbors who had restrained him. He is currently facing possible manslaughter charges.
The woman was pronounced dead after paramedics attended to her. She is said to have succumbed from the wounds inflicted by the object used in the stabbing

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