A dream doesn't become reality through magic. It takes sweat, determination and hard work.

Saturday 2 August 2014

Land grabbers caught red handed

Charity Ngilu accused James Orengo and Zablon Mabea of abetting illegal Annexture of public land

Lands Cabinet Secretary Charity Ngilu has accused her predecessor James Orengo and former Lands Commissioner Zablon Mabea of Abetting Illegal Annexture of 500,000 acres of public land in lamu county…Ngilu says the Ministry and the National Lands Commission have begun a process to reverse their predecessors’ faults…Ngilu says the lappset project invited speculators to the county who grabbed land intending to sell to government at the commencement of the project…but the former lands minister James Orengo has refuted Ngilu’s claims, saying ministers do not append their signatures on title deeds and therefore Ngilu should desist from misleading the public with the aim of causing unnecessary anxiety and excitement

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