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Monday 18 March 2013

RAO preaching hatred

Monday, the 18th of March 2013 -

Prime Minister Raila Odinga told a crowd of supporters in Changamwe, Mombasa today that he won the March 4thPresidential elections with 5.7 million of the votes cast (against Uhuru Kenyatta’s 4.5 million) but that glaring errors in the way IEBC conducted the elections prevented him from being announced the winner.

Raila however did not elaborate how he arrived at his votes tally. The PM was speaking just minutes after he landed at the Moi International Airport.

The PM promised his supporters that there would be ‘great shocks’ once the Supreme Court starts hearing the case saying the 2012 elections would be like the 2007 elections;

“In 2007 I won the General Election with 60,000 votes but the victory was robbed from us. This time round, we have said no, never again,” he said.

Raila led the crowd in chanting ‘bring back our baby, bring back our baby. We cannot accept injustice anymore,” after he retold the story of King Solomon deciding who was the rightful mother of a baby;

“King Solomon suggested that the baby be split at the centre so that each of the women goes with one half,” said the PM

“However, the real mother told the King to give the baby to the fake mother because she could not bear the pain of the death of her baby. This is what I did in 2007. The fake mother took the baby, but this time round, Kenyans are saying ‘bring back our baby’”.

Raila also suggested that Uhuru is trying to force himself on Kenyans;

“My brother Uhuru you are still a young man. Your father was president of this country for 15 years and you should know that Kenyans cannot be ruled by force. Don’t force yourself to lead Kenya”.

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