A dream doesn't become reality through magic. It takes sweat, determination and hard work.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

History will judge RAILA ODINGA because he has NEVER CONCEDED DEFEAT … LOOK at THIS

History has it that Raila has never conceded in any democratically held elections be it at the party level or at the national level. Let me jog your memory a little bit

After the 1992 General elections and after his party candidate who was also his father came in a distant fourth -Raila then the director of elections in FORD-K disputed and rejected the results. He routed the idea on 1 million man match to State House to Matiba but Matiba opted the Courts’ way.

In 1994 during the tussle over FORD -K leadership after having lost to Wamalwa Kijana in a free and fair party elections, Raila precipitated a tribal split and left with a sizeable number of Luo Mps to NDP.

In 1997 General Elections, Raila came in a distant 3rd and thereafter did a press conference refusing to accept election results and calling for mass action.

In the run-up to 2002 General Elections and after dissolving his party NDP to merge with KANU after sensing defeat in vying for the KANU presidential nominee position he refused to accept the mode of nomination and left KANU for NARC

No need to elaborate how he was a thorn in the flesh in his party NARC from 2003 till 2007 - If this isn’t stubbornness then what is ?

The most famous refusal to accept Presidential results outcome was of course the 2007 General Elections where he called for Mass action which led to post election violence.

In 2013 elections looking at his past experience we were sure and even predicted to that effect that if Raila was beaten by Uhuru he won’t concede and boy oh boy did he disappoint?
Further we are predicting that he will refuse to accept Supreme Court’s ruling, don’t be blinded by his statements that he will respect and abide by the ruling didn’t he talk of the same on IEBC , didn’t he make press advertisements saying if beaten he will concede.
Raila is on record saying he respects and has confidence with IEBC and its chairman Isaak Hassan before the elections but when he lost, the narrative changed, why so? What is constant is Raila when beaten can never accept to concede in any democratically held elections.

nowayhaha (jukwaa)

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